Defender Radio: The Podcast For Wildlife Advocates And Animal Lovers

The Switch: Doom Scrolling with Stephanie McMahon



Doom Scrolling or doom surfing is the tendency to keep looking at social media or other internet sites and read negative or bad news, despite the impact it has on our psyche or emotional state. It is postulated online that this tendency has worsened during the pandemic. As animal and climate advocates we are easily and quickly exposed to large volumes of negative, often traumatic, images and information. Identifying if we are doom scrolling – and then how to take a break – is a vital self-care tool for any advocate. To discuss this and how to switch off doom scrolling in our lives, The Switch was joined by Stephanie McMahon, MA, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) and certified wildlife rehabilitator. More reading: Stephanie McMahon: Cleveland Clinic: Everything you need to know about Doom Scrolling and how to avoid it: