Saints Peter And Paul Sermons

Chapter 5: New Commands



Why do we bristle when we're told what to do? Why do we sometimes sabotage ourselves by not doing what we're told (even when we know it's probably good for us?). And knowing how we respond to being told what to do -- why did God give us the LAW? In this sermon, Pastor Kevin explores these questions by looking at Exodus 19:4-5. Moses has received the 10 Commandments from YHWH and the people have responded: "We will do everything the Lord has spoken." Of course, that isn't exactly what happens. Maybe the Israelites responded poorly to the LAW because they didn't understand God's reason for giving it... Maybe we fall into the same trap. By looking at these key verses from Exodus, Pastor Kevin hopes that we will see the LAW not primarily as a bunch of "have to's" - but as a bunch of "get to's".