Music Therapy Conversations

Ep 55 Barbara Wheeler



Luke talked to Barbara Wheeler about her wide ranging experience in music therapy as a researcher, clinician, educator, and author. Barbara L. Wheeler, PhD, MT-BC, holds the designation of Professor Emeritus from Montclair State University, where she taught from 1975-2000. She initiated the music therapy program at the University of Louisville in 2000, retiring in 2011. She presents and teaches in the U.S. and internationally. She has a current faculty appointment at the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music, Katowice, Poland. She has been an active clinician throughout her career and worked with a variety of clientele. Barbara edited Music Therapy Handbook (2015); Music Therapy Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives (1995); Music Therapy Research (2nd Edition, 2005); is one of the editors of Music Therapy Research (3rd Edition; 2016); and is coauthor of Clinical Training Guide for the Student Music Therapist (1st edition, 2005; 2nd edition, 2017). She is also the author of numerous other articles a