Everything Vr & Ar

Jenna Pirog & Sam Dolnick of the New York Times



It is no secret that traditional media such as newspapers and magazines often is seen as somewhat slow to adapt to how news in covered and presented to their readers.  Thanks to this episodes guests, Jenna Pirog and Sam Dolnick, the New York Times have jumped in as a leader in the VR & AR space for journalism. Sending out 1 million Google Cardboard units in a partnership with Google and continually adding new stories that can be viewed in their NYTVR app for Android & iOS, the future of VR & AR in journalism is bright. Make sure to connect with the New York Times along with both Jenna Pirog and Sam Dolnick the following ways: NYT VR on the web Jenna Pirog on Twitter Sam Dolnick on Twitter     Download the NYT VR apps To download the NYT VR apps, you can do so here: Android iOS   Make sure to visit www.thevrara.com for more information about the VRAR Association and how you can get involved. Also, we invite you to follow @thevrara on Twitter.     It pays to listen! Listeners of Everything VR &a