Baseball Pitching: The Fix

How To Identify a Late Arm and Why It Needs To Be Corrected



Big news! Angel has launched a YouTube channel for further in-depth pitching education. This episode is the first that implements the channel as a supplement to the podcast -- so you can see what Angel is explaining. Lessons from MLB MLB is doing things with the intent to protect pitchers, such as following specific pitch counts, setting maximum innings limits for the season, using the "piggyback system," starting the game with an "opener," and other methods. Additionally, MLB is analyzing and implementing statistics that are changing pitchers' roles and altering the fabric of the game. Are these efforts working, or are they not seeing the forest for the trees? Teaching Moment With images used for illustration, Angel explains where the arm needs to be at front foot contact and how to diagnose a late arm. And, she explains the dangers and risk factors of a late arm. Please visit Angel Borrelli Pitching on YouTube to see what you're hearing. 9th Inning Angel discusses the constraints that high school and other