Baseball Pitching: The Fix

Our “Engineering the Pitcher” Series



In a very special “Coaching the Coaches" segment, Joe and I continue with the discussion from the last episode about the re-entry throwing programs that we use to transition pitchers from the off-season to the pre-season.  The necessity of returning to “precision” specific methods for the pitcher is discussed and I offer food-for-thought for re-structuring how you handle your throwing programs. In the very popular “All it Takes is All you Got” segment, the next priority-training muscle group is discussed.  Coupling it with the last episodes’ objectives for the pitcher’s body, there should be no question as to why the biceps and elbow flexors are the topic for this episode.  Your next three exercises are discussed with accompanying visuals on my YouTube Channel Angel Borrelli Pitching .  A complete and thorough explanation of the elbow flexors and their role in pitching is also discussed. Contact Info: