Baseball Pitching: The Fix

The Defining Moment in a Pitcher's Delivery



Joe and I kick off our first episode of Season Six with three exciting segments: In our first segment, Joe and I talk about some of the rule changes in the MLB. In The Teaching Moment, I talk about "The Defining Moment in a Pitcher's Delivery". It's a discussion about the last sequence of trunk rotation in a pitcher's delivery, prior to acceleration. Using a great photo, I talk about how to see the critical features when you are reviewing film. Click Here for Teaching Moment Video And in our new last segment "Pearls", I once again visit the danger of trying to add speed or power to a part of the motion (particularly the stride) without an understanding of the purpose of all the phases and the implications. You will learn about the intent of each phase, where to apply the most power, and how to avoid "training" mistakes. Contact Info: