Conversations With Correa

Untold Harvey: The One Couple Who Helped Shelter Hundreds



Married 36 years, Larry & Jackie Sklar are empty-nesters who live on a corner lot in Meyerland. It's a Houston neighborhood notorious for flooding. In 2017, as Harvey began to dump inch after inch of rain, Meyerland flooded- but the Sklar's home did not. I 100% think it was divine intervention. After hearing their conversation, you may too - because what happened during those first hours of that historic flood was orchestrated by something much greater than any of us. This is the never-before-told story of how one couple helped the very first people pulled from flood waters. It's the story of kindness, compassion and community. It's the living, breathing example of "love thy neighbor as thy self." It's #HoustonStrong