Spiritual Living Podcast

Perfect, Whole, and Complete



Most of us have learned from society that there is something wrong with us. We can easily become caught up in a hundred fears which constrict us and our energy. When we are consumed by our fears, we forget the universal principle of more. We are seeking to increase our capacity for responsiveness, for aliveness, for connection---we just forget how. Do not blame yourself for chaos---anything that feels imperfect---in your life. Simply ask, "What is there for me to know in this?" There is always something to know in every situation. We have the opportunity to uncover the true beauty of our being, long buried under false ideas of who we are. In times of conflict, we can ask ourselves, "What is my role in this conflict?" This helps us learn more about ourselves, from a loving perspective. Gratitude is so important. Imagine if everyone knew and recognized their own wholeness---we would love, accept, honour, and respect each other, knowing that no circumstance diminishes who we are.