Say Something, Anything

Ep 3: Michael Klam



Michael Klam is both funny and helpful in his poetry, so it’s cool that most of his answers to the questions (questions which deal primarily with writers' frustration when it comes to validation that their work is important / has an impact / matters) come in poem form. Like his poem “Bad Puppet Shows: A Field Guide for Young Poets in Job Interviews,” which contains the lines: “some people say never quit your day job, I say, never quit your art, because day jobs are always out there, lurking in the minds of puppets, and in the shadows of wasted years.” And more succinctly in another poem: “if you don’t love what you do, you can survive it, but if you don’t do what you love, you’re fucked…” He may be caught in a vicious cycle of caffeine addiction and possibly has multiple personalities, but who doesn’t these days? Michael Klam’s book, Emma and the Buddha Frog, was published by SAY SOMETHING ANYTHING’s own press (Puna Press) and can be bought on our website: Michael will als