Magical Mystery Radio: Conspiracy & Paranormal Review

Impeachment Insanity - Russiagate 2.0: The Rise of Ukraine |138|



Another exciting episode of, What's the word on the street, Johnny? John goes all in for Trump just to piss you off! Just kidding. He supports Tulsi Gabbard! But what he does reveal is the insanity (and utter stupidity) of our current political discourse. Look, you don't have to "Like" Trump to understand what's happening.  John spent many years satirizing Trump's flaws as a human being (and there are many), but he now sees that Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) has reached such a fever-point, that it threatens to take down the whole system with it. In short, a lot of people have lost their friggin' minds.  Orange Man Bad! Politics and conspiracy have always been synonymous. And there are forces trying to take down a legitimately elected president, much like we've seen in the past... *cough* JFK *cough*... because the Powers That Be don't like him. We've seen this as well with Lincoln, FDR, etc. Hate Trump? Adam certainly does. But Trump, whether you like him or not, is a force to be reckoned with, and it's ob