Magical Mystery Radio: Conspiracy & Paranormal Review

Simpsons Predict Kobe & Coronavirus?, Bermuda Triangle Ship Found, John Hughes Revisited, Nimitz UFO Update, Expedition Bigfoot |142|



Thirty years of Simpsons predictions: Did the venerable animated series really forecast Kobe's helicopter crash, the coronavirus epidemic, and Disney's acquisition of Fox (not to mention a bunch of other stuff)?  The Cotopaxi went missing in the Bermuda Triangle nearly a century ago. Now it's been found. You know it as the ship the aliens dropped in the desert in Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind. What's the REAL story? The US government declares that releasing any further information about the Nimitz UFO sightings would "gravely damage" national security. Why? What are they hiding? Adam revisits the films of John Hughes. This turns into a discussion of evolving ethical standards in media - and of diversity in the arts.  And John talks about Bigfoot. Again.