Real Food Mamas Podcast

#018: Diastasis Recti, Core, and Pelvic Floor with Wendy Powell from the MuTu System



Core and pelvic floor health is something that is often not considered during their pregnancy; however, during the postpartum period mom’s may notice that they still look pregnant, experience a little leaking when laughing or working out, or have pain in their back or lower body. It’s really important to address these issues to feel your very best! Wendy breaks down this complex topic and provides practical tips and inspiration. This is a must listen for pregnant women and women in the postpartum. Even if you don’t think you’re dealing with core or pelvic floor issues, you’ll want to tune into to understand how you can reduce or prevent problems in the future. We know you’ll love Wendy’s positive and empowering message!   Wendy’s Bio:  Wendy is an expert in postpartum and postpregnancy exercise, and after working with thousands of women who suffer from Mummy Tummy (aka pregnancy belly and weak pelvic floor), she realized how misinformed most of them were, specifically when it came to exactly how their abdomin