Real Food Mamas Podcast

#019- Elimination Communication (EC or Infant Potty Training) with Andrea Olson



Join us in this episode as we learn more about EC (Elimination Communication) or infant potty training. Did you know that children are now in diapers until the age of 36-38 months today while they used to be potty trained before the age of 18 months back in 1957? Elimination communication is a gentle way to help your baby and toddler not only learn about how to get rid of diapers more quickly but most importantly to empower him or her to better communicate about the basic need to eliminate. Listen to our interview with Andrea Olson, a mom of 3 and an expert on the topic, to see how you can incorporate EC in your life. Andrea Olson's bio: Andrea Olson, M.A., is a pioneer in helping parents reduce diaper dependence with any age child or baby, from birth through toddlerhood. She has her Master’s Degree in Psychology and presently lives in Asheville, NC, with her husband and children. She is author of three books: Go Diaper Free, a simple handbook for elimination communication for 0-18 month babies, The Tiny Pott