Real Food Mamas Podcast

#029: Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss



In this episode, Stephanie interviews Brittany Randolph to talk about the options women have while going through a pregnancy loss, what bereavement doulas do, what physical, mental, and emotional changes happen when going through a loss, how a woman's partner grieves, helpful and hurtful things to do and say to someone going through a loss, resources for moms going through a loss, and more! Brittany Randolph’s bio: Brittany Randolph is trained and certified through Stillbirthday as a birth and bereavement doula. She is also trained and certified through DONA  as a birth doula and is a Lamaze trained Childbirth Educator. Brittany is also certified with AFPA as a prenatal and postnatal personal trainer. She has a passion for helping women, especially in the areas of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care. She is married to her best friend and husband since 2010, and has 2 daughters who are the lights of their lives. Brittany has given birth 3 times, and has suffered 6 losses. Her birth experiences include n