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#101 English podcast - Shopping at the Supermarket ESL (rep)



Are you a spender? Today I’m gonna talk about the tricks that supermarkets use to make you to buy more than necessary. You’ll also improve your speaking with a funny mini-story.   Ok! Let’s start! When you leave the supermarket, have you ever wondered why you spent more money than you originally planned?   I do :) If it happens to you, you may think that you don't know how to manage money, that you are a spender or simply that you don't have enough discipline, but don't worry, because supermarkets follow a whole series of very powerful marketing strategies that induce the buyer to buy, so don't feel too guilty :) By the way, a spender is someone who spends money unnecessarily. And another interesting expression: "overspending," which means spending more than planned or necessary. These supermarket strategies can simply be called tricks. The truth is that supermarkets have more tricks than a magician. Let's take a look at a few of them, and learn some vocabulary on the subject. The size of the cart matters.