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Dreaming Sophia



My first novel “Dreaming Sophia” is here! I am thrilled and happy to share Sophia’s journey with my readers. The book is now available in print and e-pub versions for Kindle and iBook. You can find the book on Amazon and through many other distributors as well. The e-pub version of the book has links to the “Dreaming Sophia” website and Pinterest site, so that you can experience the book visually – see the art and images and videos – referred to in the book, as well as listen to the music. To win a copy of the book visit the Studentessa Matta website: http://www.studentessamatta.com/dreaming-sophia-book-give-away The book is available on Amazon and on itunes. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0997634804?ie=UTF8&creativeASIN=0997634804&linkCode=xm2&tag=diariodiunstu-20 https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1151283653 visit the Dreaming Sophia website: www.DreamingSophiaBook.com