Optimize Paleo By Paleovalley

EP255: Why Some People Get Sick and Others Don’t (and How To Find the Root Cause of Your Health Challenges) with Reed Davis



Jumping from diet to diet, pill to pill and/or protocol to protocol without relief can be exhausting.  It’s a cycle many people (maybe even you) are trapped in today. But the truth is - in order to feel vibrant long term (which is your birthright), you need to identify the root cause(s) of YOUR suffering.  For example, breakouts can be caused by MANY things such as... Food allergies/intolerances Blood sugar/insulin imbalances Nutrient deficiencies Stress Hormonal dysfunction Gut issues Poor hygiene And more My cystic breakouts were tied to a garlic intolerance (of all things) which is why all of the other remedies I tried for YEARS (candida cleanse, lotions, microdermabrasion, face creams, etc.) didn’t help.   And why the paleo diet wasn’t enough for me to heal my skin. In other words, different people with the same symptom may need different interventions AND sometimes lab testing can be invaluable for identifying your root issues.  It was this realization that brought me to Functional Diagnostic Nutrition