Power Up For Profits Podcast

172: Veganize Your Business (Lisa Fox & David Pannell)



Saying you want to create a community is one thing. Achieving this outcome, is a completely different conversation. A successful community is based on several factors including strong leadership, collaborative partnerships, compassion, empathy, drive, commitment, and vision. Attributes that both Lisa Fox and David Pannell have, and some. Lisa and David have used these very traits to bring together men and women from around the globe who are eager to veganize their businesses. After both going vegan in September 2018, Lisa and David realized they had skills they could use to help other vegan entrepreneurs grow their businesses. Their journey started with the food and quickly evolved into an understanding and commitment to compassion for animals. The Backstory Prior to going vegan, Lisa was an on again, off again vegetarian. David had also been vegetarian for quite a while and his transformation came as a result of the health benefits. Then followed his 100% commitment to the animals and environment. The greate