Central Baptist Church Center, Texas

"The Natural Instinicts of a Newborn Child of God" - Bro. Danny Dodson - 10/5/14 Sunday AM



I. He gravitates to the Word of God. v. 2; John 3:21; Psalm 119:11; Matthew 5:6 II. He gives way to others. - He puts others first - "preferring one another." Genesis 13:9 III. Gracious speech Colossians 4:6 "You are the only Bible some will ever see." Think before you speak. - Will it hurt someone? Does it need to be said? IV. Gathering together as believers - Hebrews 10:25; Luke 4:16 You will gather with what you are. Luke 15:13-15; Acts 9:6, 18 The prodigal son hung with rebels. Paul was with the disciples. Psalm 73:17 "A faith that can't get you to church won't get you to Heaven." - Mrs. Cooper V. Going to a lost and dying world John 4:28 VI. Giving VII. Getting involved in the work of God VIII. Gratitude