Central Baptist Church Center, Texas

"The Time of the Gentiles be Fulfilled" - Bro. Ted Huston - 10/15/14 Wed PM



1 Peter 1:10 *Prophecy fulfilled is 20/20.  We have an imperfect knowledge of unfulfilled prophecy. Ezekiel 22:30 Israel committed spiritual fornication against God. A wife (or the bride of Christ) is to love, obey, and dote on her husband. We as Christians today are doing the same. - We love others more than God. James 4:1-4 - We are not ashamed of what we watch on television. - We are not ashamed of immodest dress. - We laugh when our children do wrong and do not discipline them. - We lust after things we would like to have. 1 John 2:15 We cannot serve two masters! What are you living for? Genesis 9:20-27 In the Old Testament before the Levitical priesthood, the patriarch (the father) of each family was both priest and prophet. Be careful what you do; what you have sown may be repaed in the next generation or two. Genesis 10:1; Acts 16:6-9; Matthew 21:33-43 2 Chronicles 7:14; Revelation 3:14-15; 2 Peter 3:9