Great Ideas For Your Preteen Ministry

FFS 374: Leadership Idea: Do It With Joy!



Today on the podcast, Sean talks about taking joy in our work. Philippians 4:4 says “Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again rejoice.” This sounds like a command from God, that we find joy in our work. Jesus even found joy as he was headed to the cross. Finding joy in our work is God’s will for us. Sean encourages you, that even if there are difficult things happening in life or at work, that you are able to find joy in everything. Sean suggests taking a moment to write down 10 things that you can rejoice about right now.  Take joy in the ministry that God has gifted you with. Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast?  Send it to Looking for a great community of preteen leaders that you can plug into? Join us at