

The Busy Creator Podcast, episode 15 w/author, speaker, and creative consultant Todd Henry Todd Henry (@ToddHenry) is an author, speaker, workshop leader, and creative consultant who has written two books on practices observed in successful creative professionals, and tactics for being prolific, brilliant, and healthy. He regularly speaks and consults with companies about how to develop practices and systems for success. In addition, he’s been writing and podcasting since 2005 on his website,Accidental Creative. Read more about Todd on his personal site. For this particular discussion, we were slightly pressed for time, so to augment our chat, here is a video of Todd speakingat Creative Mornings in Cincinnati in November 2013.   Show Notes & Links The Accidental Creative by Todd Henry Die Empty by Todd Henry The Accidental Creative Podcast (iTunes, Stitcher) Prescott calls Todd “The Patron Saint of Creative Productivity” Todd calls himself an “Arms Dealer for the Creative Revolution” “We battle agains