Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode Fifteen



The Houses in Astrology  Using the chart of Queen Elizabeth 1st  Ascendant Capricorn, Sun Virgo in the 9th house, Moon Taurus in 5th house. Houses are written counter-clockwise going from 1st at the Ascendant to....12th just before the Ascendant. Look carefully you'll see them written in the centre of the chart   Jo's chart Ascendant Sagittarius, Sun in Sagittarius in the 1st house, Moon in Capricorn also in the first. Kay's Chart   Cancer Ascendant, Sun Scorpio in the 5th, Moon Virgo 3rd    (Please note these are re-uploads of Episodes 1-42 as I accidently deleted all my episodes... so please excuse me if you get notified of these previous episodes)