AQ's Blog & Grill

Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott | Leading a Revolution in Blockchain



When Don and Alex Tapscott began writing “Blockchain Revolution”, not a single bank was investing in the revolutionary technology. Now virtually every company in the financial services industry is investing heavily as they realize this new technology is the second generation of the internet - the “internet of value”. In this exciting episode of AQ’s Blog & Grill, we are honored to have Don and Alex on to discuss their new book and the implications and opportunities in blockchains. Currently, when sending assets, we rely on intermediaries like banks to ensure trust, verify parties and perform the transaction logic. “These intermediaries do an okay job”, Alex states, “but with some pretty significant limitations.” Alex walks us through the limitations these intermediaries face and how blockchain technology fixes these problems. “Blockchain Revolution” delineates several new business models that can be adopted by any company, and Don and Alex describe one example that found success with a blockchain. They