AQ's Blog & Grill

Amber Mac | Outsmarting Your Kids Online



Speaker, author and social media thought-leader Amber Mac joins us in studio to discuss her book ‘Outsmarting Your Kids Online’. She shares a bit about the process of self-publishing the work with co-author Michael Bazzell after being inspired by Guy Kawasaki. A book, a business, TV and radio shows and a busy social life is a lot to balance. Amber credits her multi-level success to working with great partners and loving what she does. It may surprise some to learn that Amber grew up in PEI, Canada, going to school in a one-room schoolhouse. A big imagination and big dreams led her to beginning her career in San Francisco. Amber and Alan discuss the new trends in live streaming, which brands are getting it right, and how, from individuals to big media companies, “shift is happening!” Amber provides advice to young adults looking to leverage social media to jump-start their careers and build a personal brand, sharing an inspiring example to follow. Amber Mac’s book ‘Outsmarting Your Kids Online: A Safety Handbo