

In Episode 2 Part A of The Turkey Hunter Podcast, Andy shares the first 3 of 6 strategies to help you have more success when hunting henned up gobblers.  There is not much more aggravating than getting to a turkey gobbling on the roost before daylight, sitting in the ideal set up, and then hearing a flock of hens with the gobbler.  Gobblers with hens are notorious for being stubborn, shut mouthed, and practically deaf, blind, and dumb to anything else around them in the world.  Hunting henned up gobblers can be so frustrating at times that many hunters want to give up on the sport of turkey hunting altogether.  Sometimes, I can't say I blame them. Well, here are the first of 6 proven strategies to help you fill a tag and your freezer with a henned up gobbler.  If you like the tips in this podcast, please go to my turkey hunting website and subscribe to my newsletter to receive more tips, tactics, and strategies to help you have more success this turkey season.  Also, please follow me on Twitter by clicking