Retro Disney World Podcast

54.5 - Bringing the World Closer to You



Welcome to Episode 54.5 of the RetroWDW Podcast: "Bringing the World Closer to You" - We appreciate your support and hope you have been enjoying each and every episode. Be sure to check out some of our previous shows!  Main Topic Back in Episode 42 (Communicore West) we interviewed Lisa Bastoni, granddaughter of Walter Einsel, the designer of the Age of Information Exhibit at Futurecom in Communicore West. Through her grandfather's notes and a correct search of the song, we were able to locate the author and lyricist of the song, Tom Tierney! In this episode we speak with Tom about the creation of the song, how he developed the melody and lyrics and his interaction with Walter and Naiad Einsel. We top it off with a special version of Bringing the World Closer to you performed at RetroMagic by Lisa Bastoni! Tom's other works currently in production: NARNIA (based on The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) is at the Serenbe Playhouse in Atlanta, GA through January 12, 2020. It's an "immersive" production - her