Conversations With Malik

Pee Supreme



Born and raised in Houston, TX, southside third-ward to be exact. PEE SUPREME is the woman she is today, because of her upbringing. “You have to definitely be a solid, stand up individual to make a name for yourself here.” she says. PEE SUPREME, a name defining her evolution from poet to rapper. A name representing the highest form of herself as a business woman and as an artist. PEE SUPREME got her start in music by listening to her calling. “Entertaining is what I do best and music was the window to expressing myself and showcasing my talent,'' she explains. “I grew up around the rappers in my city.. I loved everything about them. They were stars to me and everyone respected them for being influentials. I knew hip hop was home. It was real, raw and fun...Fly and demanding! Hip hop is definitely me!”