Emmanuel Fellowship Church

God Leads His People



Did you know that when God was leading the Israelites out of Egypt (and from years of slavery) God purposely avoided the short route and took them on a detour leading them to a dead end road!? You may even feel that God's done the same with you, and now you're in a place that seems like a desert and there's no way out. You've probably even questioned Him and gotten angry and confused as the Israelites did. But do not be afraid! His plan is always to prosper you and not to harm you (though it may be a difficult place now). Choose instead to live by FAITH in the unseen plan and watch Him part the sea before you and drown your enemies behind you! "Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians (your enemy) you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."Scripture Passages: Ex.13:17-18, 21;Ex.14:2,8,31; Ex.15:22