Building A New America With Jonathan Arias.

#25 - Political Obstruction - Part II



Most people know that our country attempts to separate political power by dividing it amongst three government branches: legislative, executive, and judiciary.  Regarding the legislative branch, political power is further divided into two parts:: the House of Representatives and the Senate.  Lately, the Senate has been in the news for multiple reasons, most prominently for this raging debate over the Filibuster.  It’s a debate that’s been raging for decades but has returned because Democrats have a unique opportunity to pass sweeping voting rights legislation and a tremendously $1.9 Trillion Coronavirus relief package.  Democrats made huge promises to their voters during the 2020 election.  And when people vote, they expect those promises to be fulfilled.  Why else would you vote?Democrats, however, are at grave risk of disappointing their base largely because of this quirky filibuster rule.  Today we’re going to learn more about how the Senate operates, about the filibuster, and how it affects you.  And with