Tj Morris Et Radio

The True Teaching of Jesus- not what people believe. This is not a religion



Lets start with what do you blieve? Do you believe in a God? If you do, do you have any idea of what It looks like or what IT thinks? Do you except the ideas put on you all your life about it?     I will try to show you how to think and go beyond ego when it come to God. If you follow a religion do they believe in a God. How many Beings were excepted as Gods?  Then what makes a God? Do you have a clue.? First step do people know what the truth is. It is easier to find the truth then listen to all the lies. But then again people like what lies say over  the truth.    The idea of religion is false. They are programes that try to make a person feel good about what ever he does, even killing.   When ever a religon was created is was not half as bad as it is now. Because man just kept changing the things he wanted to make himself feel better they became what he wanted it to be. It had nothing to do what it really is.  The Bible is filled with many great stories but not real.      What ever you think you know,