Tj Morris Et Radio

Getting the truth where ever you can. God and aliens.



  So many stories and so many religions. How many paths do we need? We have over 2,000 and that is still not enough. Why? Because someone else's story sounds better. Does truth have anything to do with it? I would say not. Do people need truth not really. Should they have it yes definitely.     Then you are dealing with people that say that is your truth. I have to say and what is yours? They usually cannot answer with anything, or anything important. They will say over and over I have my own truth. It will not include anything about a real God. It will be filled with any and many programmed ideas given to them when they were young or in H.S.     Yes I could bring a hundred speakers on and hear many stories. BUT that will just mean that more stories. I can only deal with what I know is the truth. I have proven it over and over again. Which is what you need to do as well. AS we keep moving in a direction is it what we want. I doubt it. More and more people see that. BUT are they going to do anything? Voti