Tj Morris Et Radio

God, Aliens and Superheroes , why?



  THE RIDE IS GOING TO GET CRAZY.  Man has almost given up with finding the truth. So they are now looking in all the wrong places. There is nothing for children to do is play sports but they would rather be on the computer. or be on the computer.  Ever wonder why so many adults are going to see movies like Batman, Superman and Wonderwoman? You even have adults on the computer playing games. Where does abuse start and end.     Man willl deal with anything for money an fame. But even more then that anyhing wrong they will blame God. They will curse God and Jesus fro just about anything .    Life to many people is really so bad they resort to drinking and Drugs. Thing that either take a perso into dream land  or reate more anger and fear. They become weaker and weaker and need more and more things to keep them going. Relationships seem to be not as important as one starts going inot the depression which is growing inside many people . That is why the greatest speakers that have to lie have many more follower