Tj Morris Et Radio

How important is your truth? WHY? Woman are you ready for the next step?



We are in the year 2018 and whether you know it not you have been here a very long time already. Many lifetimes have come and gone. You are just a little more aware then you were 10,000 years ago. How's that? What's wrong? Do you even know your angels or guides? Do you know how many lifetimes you were reincarnated to get here and now?       In your truth is there any real truth? Do you know how many more times you will need to come back and why? Do you know what you are going to do when your present body dies? How much do you know about the astral plane? Do you know anything about a real God? Do you really think you are one with God. Really?     Lets start there. What is your God if you believe one? One that  allows people to think they can do anything they want? Destroy anything, hurt anything and think they are right about telling themselves that is OK. Killing people is OK, abuse is OK. You can make a billion dollars and go out and buy drugs with it and then buy a town and then sit back and call yoursel