Tj Morris Et Radio

Compassion, Prejudice or Judgment where do you stand ?



     I will tell you - everyone out there is a Hypocrite. The word Prejudice is within everyone of you. it means = a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. BUT What if it is Based on an actual experiences? Is it still prejudice? I will prove what a lie it all is. Then the other word people are so afraid of is called Judgment. Being afraid to judge someone that you consider different. If you cannot you are a fool stuck in the world of control. The same as you judge everything you do, you can say by choice - making a decision on which you think is better. You can break anything down to smell, taste, looks and feelings. That can be applied to food, jobs and even friends.   Even if you compare something to something else that is not even there.     Man loves to lie to himself. He justifies just about everything he does. He is proud to be called a man. He lives life to keep his name alive. That has never changed in thousands of years.      To move into a spiritual age we have to r