Tj Morris Et Radio

Do we need another SUPER HERO?



We are living in a time which is so far out of control. The wrong inventions came at the wrong time. We think we are living in the 21th century or maybe the 22 th. While we are living like we are in the dark ages.     Funny most people are looking and waiting for a super person, a being or alien to come and save the planet. When I was young it was the adults feeding the chlldren about super heroes. Make believe super characters were in breaded into children, but they were good and bad. Programming by your own parents. Then when a child gets older they try to remove all the ideas from them.       Guess for most it started as Superman. Even he commited suicide. The second one was disabled for the rest of his life. I watched just about every monster movie , demon movie and creature movie. Most of the time the good man  wins. I did notice the karma that goes with that kind of acting   Then the creating of the knight in shining armor. A idea of of hope for a world falling apart. But it is nothing new. All throu