Tj Morris Et Radio

Cyberspace Culture Conscious ACO Club - Melinda D Amico, Dr Rick Alan Miller, Theresa J Morris



Morphic Resonance Radio Receivers? Discuss Dr. Rupert Sheldrake on A Conscious Universe? - We can assist in helping our colleagues, as reporters, researchers, educators, philosophers, neuroscience and information on radio shows. Theresa J Morris, Melinda T D'Amico, Dr. Richard Alan Miller, Ph.D. in power of 3 imagination-Non-Local Mind-ACO Club - Miller & Morris  Mystical Experiences radio talk shows. Cyberspace Culture Club Wednesday, Essence in actual modern quantum physics is a process like waves and even the large hadron collider has wave likes that take place in time and a polarity in time. This allows us to look at the matrix in matter and essence as mind and body in terms of time rather than space. We use spatial metaphors my inner life, the inner world, the thoughts of the activity of your brain and your external part of your thoughts. It comes into ordinary language with time and the mental pole is the future pole and the physical pole is the past pole. Even in quantum theory the shredding wave p