Tj Morris Et Radio

Paranormal, Ghosts STORIES, Hauntings, Doppelganger, Shadow People, Remote Viewing, ET



Theresa J Morris shares ghosts and apparitions with Richard T Knight who is going to be building a project with others in TJ Morris ET Radio, ACO Radio, and ACIR Radio Clubs. ACO Club aka Cyberspace Culture Community with Super Natural, Angels, Ghosts, Apparitions, and how the After Life effects our Future and Present LIVES! We are optimisitc that our essence is leading our spirit while knowing we are all more than our own body-mind-spirit housing as a vehicle to ground us here while floating around with gravity. We talk about all things paranormal and super natural so if you want to join a great TALK SHOW call in to 347-945-7207 and let us here your GHOST STORY! Ben Pellom may join us last hour to share his GHOST stories. You are invited to share a Ghost Story - ACO Club Members invited. We are working towards a project TJ coined as with,, and, If you like to participate donations sent to T