Developer Tea

Interview w/ Ben Orenstein (pt. 2)



You might remember today's guest back in episode 19 & 20. Today, we talk about new projects with the guest of the show, Ben Orenstein. During part 2 of this two-part episode, we dig into financial opportunities and I challenge you, while you're listening to this episode is to consider the lessons you've learned in 2018 and continue to grow in 2019. If you'd like to connect with Ben, you can find him on Twitter, @r00k: and view his work on GitHub, @r00k: Thanks to today's sponsor: Sentry Sentry tells you about errors in your code before your customers have a chance to encounter them. Not only do we tell you about them, we also give you all the details you’ll need to be able to fix them. You’ll see exactly how many users have been impacted by a bug, the stack trace, the commit that the error was released as part of, the engineer who wrote the line of code that is currently busted, and a lot more. Give it a try for yourself at Get in touch If you hav