Developer Tea

How We Construct Software - Part Three (Decision Variance)



Giving someone a broad software problem is a little like asking them to plant a tree. In today's episode, we talk about how different mental effects can cause variance in decision-making for complex and compound decisions. Thanks to today's sponsor: Sentry Sentry tells you about errors in your code before your customers have a chance to encounter them. Not only do we tell you about them, we also give you all the details you’ll need to be able to fix them. You’ll see exactly how many users have been impacted by a bug, the stack trace, the commit that the error was released as part of, the engineer who wrote the line of code that is currently busted, and a lot more. Give it a try for yourself at Get in touch If you have questions about today's episode, want to start a conversation about today's topic or just want to let us know if you found this episode valuable I encourage you to join the conversation or start your own on our community platform