Cody Brown Show

Midweek Challeneges



Welcome 2 the Cody Brown Show. I am you via host Cody Brown. Let me tell you this mid week has been a challenge.  The weekend is  approaching. I’m so happy so send and share with you a token of encouragement. It’s up to you to accept it. We smile and we laugh, but do we really release the things that we ponder silently. The silent wonders of keeping it to self because we don’t want to be a burden others or come off as needy. I want to hear from you.  What are some ways to release burdens or frustrations that can accumulate without us as individuals not even realizing or recognizing that an area  has become a challenge. Here are some of Cody’s cool off points Breath Tell self it’s not you & if it is resolve it Forgive & move forward Stand your ground Know you boundaries and Practice them with confidence Love & Be Love Make sure you follow & subscribe You can also follow the codybrownshow on instagram @codybrownshow. Email the codybrownshow at the codybrownshow@gm