Hopping Mad With Will Mcleod & Arliss Bunny

Charles Gaba - Fixing the ACA, a Deep Dive



7 August 2017 - This week we go really deep into the weeds, which is our favorite place! National ACA expert, Charles Gaba (@charles_gaba aka Brainwrap) of ACASignUps.org fame is with us to help us sort out current legislative efforts, what needs to be done as well as what is politically possible. Charles also defines and clarifies terms like "Medicare for All" and explains the problems with Dems settling on that vocabulary and policy at this point. Will starts us out with a bang and a rant. I chime in too. We have both just HAD IT with with the "Brocialist" attitude toward women. We also REALLY hate the entitled, special snowflake crap they throw at every idea which does not fully comply with their purity tests. Politics is work and compromise. It's about community. It's almost always a long, hard slog to get anything of real merit. It's definitely not for the whiny or precious. Being mean, vindictive and exclusionary is expressly not welcome in the big tent of the Democra