Rogue Podron

Rogue Podron: Mission 21-5: Spolive Garden’s Never Ending Spaghettification Bowl



Let Rogue Podron guide you through the Maw in the latest episode of Rogue Podron! We learn about mining operations, how sometimes diplomacy is a waste of time, and several more variations of Death Star tech. Please give any giant tentacle cacti you know Meg’s phone number. Join us for Jedi Search, chapters 17-22.  This Week’s Glistener Question: Which already-haired Star Wars character would look best with the fuckboi haircut (google “bad batch captain howzer” for reference). Contact Us: Tweet us @roguepodron or e-mail us at Website: Support us on patreon: Hosted by Meg, (not Danny), Saf, Heath, and Ash.