Dark Mystic Quill

Season 2a Episode 4



It’s six thirty in the morning here and I’m settling down to write. I just got caught up after taking Tuesday off, so I’m at the 15,000-word mark. Last week I discussed character-driven stories. This week I’m going to discuss plot-driven stories. I read a book called Tarot Inspired Life by Jaymi Elford. A link is in the show notes. Last week’s card reading was taken from this book, but I put my spin on it. This week’s card layout is taken directly from the book, which has a chapter on how to use tarot for writing. She’s not paying me for this plug, but I want to give credit where it’s due. She has a three-card layout for plots. I’ve been using it to develop subplots in my story.  Shuffle the deck thinking about having the cards tell you a story. You will chose three cards: beginning, middle, and end. I wanted a subplot for Lena’s brother, Isaac. So I drew three cards. In the beginning was The Moon. There’s a secret here somewhere that gets hidden or swept under the rug. The middle was the seven of cups