Punisher: Body Count

Punisher Body Count: Episode 16



Welcome to Punisher MAX’s funeral.  Please check your gun(s) at the door and take a seat.  The mourning will continue afterwards at the facebook fan page. Introduction - Life’s busy for me and my co-host, but that gives us some cool stories to tell you, bro. Mail Call - We have a healthy mail bag this time around.  We answer which was the best Punisher movie, who could make the best Punisher/Predator crossover, and much more! Bullet Points - We review Punisher MAX #22.  I won’t go into much of what we talked about here, but suffice it to say that we’re both sad to see the series go, and that the greater death in it was a narrative one, which we describe later on in the segment. Flashbacks - We review Hearts of Darkness and Ghost Rider Vol. 2 #4-5 in honor of the Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance movie.  There’s kind of a nice symmetry here, as the comics match the quality of the movie — somewhat entertaining, but not worth going out of your way to see. Discharge Papers -I bitch about the problem with equating