Punisher: Body Count

Punisher Body Count: Episode 26



Rucka's Punisher isn't out this week, but we still got plenty of other Punisher/Punisher accessories to bring up!  Get ready for more Fury: Cold Warrior, Untold Tales of the Punisher, and Welcome Back, Frank.  I also break a new record in the amount of times I yell at Jake for his awful opinions.  Oh, if it sounds like my voice is getting auto-tuned, just stick it out for a bit.  There were some connection issues this episode, and we're getting it fixed for the next episode. Introduction - Jake has some good news about his job and brings his car to a auto show. I cry over spilt meat and talk about the weird stuff my grandparents have given me to auction off as I see fit.  They're still worth more than Spawn #1, I guess. Contest- The contest is still going, but will end by the next episode.  To repeat:  This one will take some prep work, though. Jake is giving away oringal splash page artwork from Punisher 2099, but he's doing it through forumforgeeks.com. If you want to win, go there and register yourself t