Punisher: Body Count

Punisher Body Count: Episode 30



Introduction - I talk about the arguments I've had with my dad over Hercules and aliens, and Jake shows how many fucks he gives about Indiana's smoking laws. Hint: They are zero. We also go into a tangent about dating strong independent women. Also, in case you were wondering, that was Jake's daughter in the beginning. Mail Call - We bring back Rapidfire and we answer a lot of questions about Rucka closing out his run and whether an on-going Punisher run can hack it these days. Bullet Points - We cover Fury Max #6, Punisher #16, and SPACE: Punisher #3. SPACE: Punisher actually managed to sway me back to it, much to Jake's disgust, and we also get into an argument about eugenics. I am so sorry.  Flashbacks - In honor of our 30th episode, Jake and I read What If? #58, which explores what would happen if Frank managed to kill Spider-Man in his first introduction to comics. Clearly, Frank has a good ending in this comic. Discharge Papers - I recommend the book American Tabloid by James Elroy for those that like n