Punisher: Body Count

Punisher Body Count: Episode 102



Enjoy the episode banner on our website. It is possibly some of the best photoshop I've ever done.  Introduction – We open up the show by talking about our betters, in particular Kelly Kanayama, and her lovely Frank Discussions podcast. Jake then talks about revisiting his childhood by seeing Terminator 2, and then I discuss how I'm getting closer to living out a shitty version of the Crank movies. [30:51] News – We report on the upcoming renumbered Punisher: War Machine comic, a Punisher fan getting into politics, morse code and social media, and the  Secret Empire Omega comic that will surely explain why Frank became a fascist.  [43:59] Mail Call –  We get some complimentary fan mail and I will the sabotaged guns argument. Hell yeah. [50:33] Bullet Points –  Becky Cloonan keeps up the one-shot winners with Punisher #15. Also, don't forget to email us at punisherbodycount@gmail.com with your Barracuda writer suggestions. [1:12:54] Flashbacks – We treat ourselves to some more bonkers Punisher 2099 with issues