What's It Gonna Be?

What's It Gonna Be? Episode 16.06



Recorded 06/06/'16   Intro: An Taoiseach Enda Kenny in Dáil Éireann on the 8th Amendment Part 1: Rabbit/Duck graph (Imgur) Enda Kenny (Wiki) The X-Case (Wiki) Ms Y (Wiki) Death of Savita Halappanavar (Wiki) "Micheál Martin has called me a dozen times or more" (Irish Independent) Homeless woman talks to European Parliment (evoke.ie) Luke "Ming" Flanagan - TTIP Reading Room (TheJournal.ie) Lucinda Creighton's Vulcan Consulting (solocheck.ie) Walter Lippmann (Wiki) Torches of Freedom (Wiki) The Secret History of Wonder Woman by Jill Lepore (Good Reads) The Sexist History Of The Public Restroom (allday.com) Music: Ministry - Lies Lies Lies Part 2: The Lack of Equal Bathroom Access for Women Is a Global Design Flaw (citylab.com) Is Trans Broken arm Syndrome Actually A Real Thing? (unicornbooty.com) North Carolina: Woman Kicked Out Of Ladies’ Bathroom By Police After Being Mistaken For Transgender (worldnewsdailyreport.com) Higher education: guide to consumer rights for students (gov.co.uk) Sam: Steal This Ar